0409 474 494

Goju Ryu Karate Brisbane, AGKK, Shuseikan Australia improves your Child’s Fitness, Life Skills, Discipline, Respect, Confidence, Self-esteem, Anti Bully Skills and the development of strong character.

At  Goju Ryu Karate Brisbane AGKK we teach why good nutrition is important and we encourage students accomplish a healthy  diet.

We lead our students through excellent workouts that improve physical conditioning and mental attitude.

We build confidence in our students so they can stand up and say no to negative peer pressure. We empower and educate kids not to be victims. We teach self defence so our students don’t have to be afraid of bullies. Our students become leaders not followers. We inspire our students to become enthusiastic and motivated in school.

Through  Goju Ryu Karate training in Brisbane, children become accustomed to the virtues of hard work, concentration, planning, and self-discipline. By doing so, Students soon learn that by applying themselves & working hard, they are rewarded with recognition & achievement.

Students also learn valuable self-evaluation skills. They will learn the importance of learning from their mistakes. Our specialized training approach aims to condition students to become calm, focused, and goal setting in everything they do. This often has a direct bearing on how our students apply themselves more conscientiously at school.

AGKK is a traditional Japanese Karate club. Our teaching techniques introduce children to the insights of Japanese language, culture, and tradition. This expands their personal skills in many ways, and opens their eyes to learning about interesting people & places in other parts of the world.

Students also develop important life & social skills, such as etiquette & manners. AGKK educates the importance of team cooperation and showing respect not only to teaches, but to peers, elders, family and friends.

Kindest Regards Bernie Sensei  0409 474 494   www.agkk.com.au